Sammlungen und Provenienzen
- Digital Collections
- Goethe Library Online
- Schiller Library Online
- Faust Collection
- Nietzsche Library and Collection
- Nietzsche-Collection Martin Burger
- Library Anna Amalia of Saxe-Weimar and Saxe-Eisenach
- Collection of historical reference books
- Collection Buchenwald
- Friendship book collection of the Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek
- Collection of journeymen's travel books
- Collection of the children's and youth literature in the GDR
- Digitized Historical Catalogues and Registers
- Personal and occasional writings on the cultural history of Thuringia
- Loss and damage documentation of the Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek
- Nazi-confiscated property in the Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek
- Seized cultural assets (1945–1990) in the Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek
- Municipal Church and Ephoral Library Weimar
- Collection database of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar