Datenbanken und E-Journals
- Database Information System - DBIS
- EZB (Electronic periodicals library)
- German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB)
- Digital publications in the Klassik Stiftung Weimar
- Brockhaus
- German Biographical Archive
- World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS)
- Database of Authors
- Dictionary of German Literature Online
- Kindler Literature encyclopedia
- 18th Century German Literature Online
- Digital Library of German Classics (Online)
- Goethe's Works (Weimar Edition)
- Goethe dictionary (Online)
- Schiller's Works. National Edition
- Friedrich Schlegel : Critical Edition Online
- Nietzsche Online
- Historical Dictionary of Philosophy online
- Historical Dictionary of Rhetoric online
- MGG Online (General Encyclopedia of Music)
- Artists of the World Online
- Electronic Enlightenment: Letters and Lives Online
- The Making of the Modern World
- German Literary Expressionism Online
- KLG (Critical Encyclopedia of Contemporary German Language Literature)
- KLfG (Critical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Foreign Language Literature)
- National Socialism, Holocaust, Resistance and Exile 1933-1945
Further lexica and reference books
- Universal Encyclopaedia of Sciences and Arts (Ersch-Gruber)
- German dictionary by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm (Online)
- Zedler's Great Complete Encyclopedia of All Sciences and Arts
- Economic Encyclopaedia, or general system of agriculture, domestic and state economy (Krünitz)
- Oxford Dictionaries
- Oxford Music Online
- Oxford Research Encyclopedias / Classical Dictionary
- Oxford Research Encyclopedias / Communication
- Oxford Research Encyclopedias / Linguistics
- Oxford Research Encyclopedias / Literature
- Dictionaries of Linguistics and Communication Science (WSK) Online